

Let’s examine your current or past relationships with financial advisors. What are you happy with? What needs improvement? Does your advisor speak with you in a way that you understand, and without relying on industry jargon and terminology to complicate your interactions? Are fees transparent and easy to find? How about your investment performance?In establishing 44 North, we’ve done our best to think about these questions from a client’s perspective. We feel that the financial industry could do a better job in providing both service and clear communication to clients. Due to changing regulatory environment, we’ve seen a trend toward watered down advice and very general discussions. In addition, often times financial plans are presented without a clear path or follow-up process that would lead to action and an improvement in the client’s overall situation. In structuring our firm, each of us has committed to the following:

  • Having “real” discussions with clients, with answers and solutions that allow them to act in a meaningful and proactive way, so that together, we can assist in making a difference in their financial lives.
  • Educating clients to the extent that they want to understand specific strategies. We feel that the better a client understands the reasoning behind the solutions we are recommending, the less they will have to question decisions “down the road”.
  • Providing transparency, both in fees and performance reporting. You will understand how our services are structured and you will know what you are paying so that you can make informed decisions.
  • Revisiting your goals and establishing regular communications at your desired intervals to ensure we stay current with changes in your personal situation or planning needs.
Clear Path

Our goal in the above is to relieve the stress caused by inaction or lack of knowledge. Once clients have been through a process and have a clear path of action, they can focus on other areas of their lives with the knowledge that they have taken care of important issues that will greatly impact their, and their families’, financial futures. Please give us a call. Let’s have a meaningful discussion about your finances and goals and see how we can make a difference in your financial life.